Monday, November 21, 2011

Bittersweet the Memories

Bittersweet the Memories
by: R.A. Slater

Oh, brother of mine...
where did you go?
How can it be...
that you are gone from us?
There are no words...
to describe the pain inside...
it is too new and sharp.
Tears still flow from the shock...
from the gaping hole in our lives.
But memory remains...
as I hold the picture of you.

Ten of us gathered around our sire...
memories from a lifetime ago.
All the love, laughter, tears and drama...
that goes along with “Family”.
Each set of memories unique...
As the one who holds them.

How you were there when needed...
A strong arm in times of crisis.
Of winter holidays of cheer...
And summer picnics and slower days.
Always ready to lend a helping hand...
Rain, sleet, snow or shine.
How deeply you are missed already...
A treasure unredeemed.
How bittersweet the memories...
for they are all we have left.
How the good outweighs the bad...
to shine through this dark night.

Author's note: This poem is dedicated to the memory of my brother Glenn R. Slater who passed from this world into the next on October 31, 2011. I have a feeling there will be more to follow, because as the poem above states, it is all too new still. Indeed, almost a month later it still doesn't feel 'real'.

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