Friday, March 24, 2006

Deep Enough?

The date on the email said October 20, 2003

How deep is deep enough?

Deep Enough?

By: R. A. Slater

I’m way down deep
At the bottom of this pit
And the walls are very steep

I’m up to my knees in mud
But I know it could be worse
I could be covered with dry dust

It is warm down here where I am
My bones feel as though they’re aflame
Though I see no fire burning

The darkness is thick and heavy, but that’s all right
For every drop of glory that falls into this pit
Splits the darkness like a flaming meteorite

I can see His light shining
In the great far distance
Letting me know that I’ve not been abandoned

The walls are too steep to climb
I am torn and bruised
Exhausted from trying

Perhaps if I dig deeper
I will find a hidden reservoir
Living water to refresh

O Lord, I cry and shout!
Let the rain pour in!
Open up the deep!

Fill me from within
Cover me from above
Won’t you please shower me with Your love?

May Your falling rain drench my skin
And combine with the rising deep
To lift me above to where You are

For Your glory I do long
In Your presence I wish to dwell
Where Your promised joy strengthens me

It is for this I await
With expectant faith
At the bottom of this well

1 comment:

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Bueatifully done, Ciera, with a great strength.